was born and raised in downtown Buffalo. A Bills fan at heart, she prefers fats to flats as any respectable wing connoisseur would. As an Economics major she spends her days crunching numbers and waiting for English class.
I walk slow down the path licking a tootsie pop
& drop its stick before I taste the middle. This is my gift
to the park, which told me to carry out
that which I have brought in. My dog
pees on a nearby tree & someone yells
that they could press charges
because this is private property. His muddy paws
remind me to draw a bath, so I do. It’s not that I’m
filthy, it’s that I would rather lay, submerged
in steamy water than stand & feel where
a shower’s narrow heat just misses my curvature.
I apologize to no one while running soap
over the parts of my body I’m told I shouldn’t. I know
what it is to feel a bath beneath my skin, boiling to
get outside & not being able to make it cool off.
So today I tried walking in spaces I’m not allowed
to try and cool off the heat &
it did, for a time
but like static silence she lingers,
my own rage bubbling up,
spilling over.
Peace of Nostalgia
In summer, dandelions shatter into seeds
sent off by the wind’s impatient sigh
the sun burns, inferno
it’s late when everything settles.
Last night’s shower flattened the grass
cool mist lingers, whispering of rain
until here –
in the middle of Life –
the world is at its end again.
So about grieving,
they were never wrong
how it happens slowly – then all at once.
When days draw short and nights s t r e t c h
the past ambushes my peace.
All these signs, these seasonal surges
offer glimmers ephemeral
until someone sings (others hum) and again
I am breathed into living.
Cold Days Ahead
Lie still now, while I wish for my future
uncertain days ahead.
Dreams that churn my stomach looser
settle clearly in my head.
Remember me, oh lonely moon
when those days come rough and scattered.
For nothing of what happens then,
have I not yet encountered.
Drive out this cold, before morning breaks
and the sun gleams fierce on my back.
I’ll follow you out of this fragile place
reticence sealing our pact.